The Know Your Lemons App, now in French!

I am going to talk to you today about the Know Your Lemons application, which is an American foundation that promotes self-examination. What is self-examination? This is to check that there are no abnormalities on the breasts. Like these (image of the 12 lemons). All of these abnormalities may suggest breast cancer. You have to watch your breasts. [The application] allows us to have a reminder to do a self-examination once a month. Knowing that if we do our self-examinations regularly, we can find a ball of this size there – if we don't make it we will find a ball of this size there. This application is available on ios and android. And is downloadable in French.

Our app is now in French! Share this news with your French speaking friends, you may just save their life when they download our free self-exam app!

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women worldwide, and early detection can greatly increase the chances of successful treatment. The Know Your Lemons app is an excellent tool that educates and empowers women to take control of their breast health by teaching them how to perform a self-exam and recognize the signs of breast cancer. One of our users said,

"The Know Your Lemons app educates about breast health in such a clear and refreshing way. If you have breasts, their app should be on your phone. Because of it, I was diagnosed in time. It saved my life!” - Lucie

Mona Lisa and Napoleon Bonaparte, the audio guide coaches in the app, provide a fun and engaging way for users to learn about self-exams and breast health. The Know Your Lemons app includes an in-depth explanation of all twelve signs of breast cancer, monthly reminders, mammogram tips, a doctor-patient conversation guide, a risk assessment tool to help users develop a screening plan and more!

This app was made possible thanks to generous donations that helped translate the materials into more languages. We hope that this new version of the app will help even more women and men in French-speaking countries around the world learn about breast health and the importance of early detection.

We encourage everyone to download the app and take the first step in learning how to perform a self-exam and recognize the signs of breast cancer. With the Know Your Lemons app, you can take charge of your own breast health and stay breast aware!


Know Your Lemons and Dayspring Pens


Meet our Japanese translator, Yumiko Pelletier!