Maija White's story: Early Detection of Breast Cancer Advice

Disclaimer: Know Your Lemons deeply values and respects the experiences and stories shared by breast cancer patients. The advice, statements, or facts presented in these narratives may not necessarily align with medical expertise or be universally applicable to every individual’s situation. Breast cancer is a complex and highly individualized medical condition, and while these stories offer valuable insights and emotional support, they should not substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance and decision-making regarding breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and management. Know Your Lemons encourages a collaborative approach between patients, caregivers, and medical professionals to ensure the best possible care and outcomes for those affected by breast cancer.

Maija White is 41 years old, originally from Latvia and is currently living in California, USA. She enjoys reading, baking gluten free goodies with her daughter, swimming and walking. She works as an elementary school media technician/librarian. Maija has lived all over the world from Latvia to London after graduating from University and then moved again to the US 4 years ago. She is fluent in three languages including Latvian, Russian and English, and really enjoys learning new languages. Maija has graciously allowed us to share her breast cancer story with you to help inspire you to take action when it comes to your breast health this year. This is her story...

Hi, my name is Maija. I'm 41 and three years ago, I was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. I remember it like yesterday, receiving a call on the 11th of November confirming my diagnosis. After which, I had six months of chemo, double mastectomy, 30 days of daily radiation, a full hysterectomy after which I also had a reconstructive surgery.

That was a very traumatic time in our lives. It didn't help that it was during COVID, so I went to every appointment and chemo infusion by myself. I couldn't have anyone with me. I couldn't have my family fly out to see me and hold my hand and be with me. So that was very, very hard.

I first came across Know Your Lemons organization by browsing internet, on Instagram, and I found it really, really helpful and I wish that I had seen it years ago and recognized some signs of breast cancer. Mine was a lump that I found myself, but it was slightly warm and reddish. So that was one of the signs that's mentioned on the 12 signs chart. I wish I had the app sooner, that would have prompted me to do regular monthly breast exams, which up until my diagnosis, I didn't do that often at all, as my surgeon said almost two-centimeter growth doesn't happen overnight. So my tumor must have taken years to develop. If I had been doing the checkups regularly, it might have been caught earlier, it might have not needed as extensive treatment. So what I take from this is, please advocate for yourself. Please do your checkups. Early detection saves lives. So if you don't have the app already, please download Know Your Lemons. Follow the very easy instructions on how to best do your breast exams, and make sure you know what's normal for you, so in case something does come up, that might not seem as normal you know how to act straight away.


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