Knowing That There Are 12 Signs of Breast Cancer Saved Christie’s Life
Disclaimer: Know Your Lemons deeply values and respects the experiences and stories shared by breast cancer patients. The advice, statements, or facts presented in these narratives may not necessarily align with medical expertise or be universally applicable to every individual’s situation. Breast cancer is a complex and highly individualized medical condition, and while these stories offer valuable insights and emotional support, they should not substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for personalized guidance and decision-making regarding breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and management. Know Your Lemons encourages a collaborative approach between patients, caregivers, and medical professionals to ensure the best possible care and outcomes for those affected by breast cancer.
Hi everyone, my name is Christie, and I’m from the Bay Area, California. At the age of 37, I found myself on a journey I never expected: a diagnosis of stage 1B invasive lobular carcinoma breast cancer. It was terrifying, especially as a mother to a three-year-old daughter. But I’m here to share my story of early detection, resilience, and how the Know Your Lemons Foundation played a pivotal role in saving my life.
I discovered the lump during a routine self-exam. Thanks to Know Your Lemons, I knew to look beyond the typical “hard lump” often associated with breast cancer. My lump was soft, tissue-like, and easy to overlook. Even my plastic surgeon missed it during an exam. But because I used the Know Your Lemons app, I knew how to do a thorough self-check and recognized that something felt off. Trusting my instincts, I sought medical advice.
As a lawyer who juggles a busy career and an active lifestyle filled with hiking, biking, and quality time with my daughter, I never imagined breast cancer would be part of my story. I had no family history and followed a healthy lifestyle. But breast cancer doesn’t always fit a predictable mold. Knowing the 12 signs of breast cancer and advocating for yourself are crucial—especially for women under 40 who don’t typically qualify for mammograms.
Today, I’m thrilled to share that after months of chemotherapy, 26 rounds of radiation, and a mastectomy, my one-year mammogram showed no evidence of the disease. I’ve returned to my hobbies and even found time to play the baritone saxophone, a surprising passion of mine. Life after breast cancer feels sweeter, and I’m deeply grateful for the knowledge and resources that helped me catch it early.
I encourage everyone to download the Know Your Lemons app, learn the 12 signs of breast cancer, and make self-exams a regular habit. It’s a small step that could save your life—just like it saved mine. Stay vigilant, trust yourself, and remember, early detection is key.
Click Here to view Christie’s video testimonial.