Alcohol & Breast Cancer, What’s The Deal?
Along with a slew of other negative side effects, drinking alcohol has been linked to a higher risk for developing breast cancer.
February Educator of the Month
Originally from Italy, Denise Baldacci is one of our Certified Global Educators living in Berlin, Germany. Having a history of breast cancer in her family, she was always told she needed to perform self-exams, but was never shown how.
Early Signs of Breast Cancer Perfectly Illustrated in Photo of Lemons - Prevention Article
Being able to spot these breast cancer symptoms could save your life.
The doctor didn't know her symptom was breast cancer
Today in Burundi, Africa, if a woman finds a symptom of breast cancer and shows her doctor, she will most likely get turned away. Why?
January Educator of the Month
“It wasn’t until I saw the Know Your Lemons campaign after my diagnosis that I realized I had more signs and symptoms than just a lump. I wish I had known about them earlier.”
Dawn’s Fund for Welsh Educators
Although we train educators worldwide, Wales is particularly close to our heart because of our patient advisory board member, Dawn Wilson.
December Educator of the Month
Breast cancer is something that happens to other people, until it happens to you or somebody close to you.