Start your memorial fundraiser to benefit Know Your Lemons
Honor your loved one and join the movement for equitable breast health education for early detection.
The Know Your Lemons Foundation is dedicated to opening up discussions about breast health and improving early detection through breast education. But we can’t do it without your support.
Your tribute fundraiser will help educate women worldwide on the signs of breast cancer, how to advocate for themselves, what their risks are, and what to do if they find a symptom.
1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Yet we know almost nothing about our breast health. By being informed and feeling confident in how to advocate for their health, people can be truly empowered in life-saving ways. This is why the Know Your Lemons Foundation has designed a creative and inclusive visual approach to breast cancer.
We are the only breast cancer awareness campaign that overcomes literacy issues and includes all demographics to address global gender and health inequities. By introducing the conversation in a fun and inviting way, we remove fear from the topic and create open discussion that saves lives.
How we are changing the picture of breast cancer for good.
How your memorial fundraiser helps educate for early detection of breast cancer
Fund educational materials
$250 gets KYL’s life-saving educational materials into the hands of our global educators who then use the materials to educate for early detection.
Fund a global breast health educator
$750 trains a global breast health educator who will then go on to teach 250 or more people a year.
Fund a Know Your Lemons screening partner
$500 sponsors a screening center for a Know Your Lemons partnership. We use co-branded materials and education to help increase screening uptake in the community.