Corporate & Nonprofit Partnerships for Breast Cancer Awareness
When you sponsor the global education programs of the Know Your Lemons Foundation, you can engage customers and employees in the important cause of breast cancer awareness with your brand. Having reached over 1.85 billion people online, our education design overcomes taboo, fear and literacy issues, while at the same time being inclusive of all genders, ages and ethnicities. We are truly the future of breast health education and as a partner, you can go beyond a pink ribbon to become part of a global mission to save lives from breast cancer.
Corporate Partnership Options
Cause Marketing / Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Donate a portion of sales to our mission, and educate your customers with our premade co-branded assets. A simple option for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Employee Education
As part of your DEI and Wellness initiatives bring Know Your Lemons to work through an engaging webinar, educational materials, a self-exam kit for your employees, or increase your screening compliance through our fun screening challenge program.
Campaign Partnerships
Go beyond the promotion of a product, and do an integrated brand campaign that demonstrates clearly to your customers that you are invested in the cause, not just for a month but year-round.
Healthcare Partnerships
Are you an insurer, imaging center, hospital, or other health organization that actively participates in early detection? Talk to us about ways to improve your patient experience, engage in positive behavior change, and expand your impact with your community outreach programs as a partner with Know Your Lemons.
Nonprofit Partnerships
We partner with nonprofits by training staff and volunteers to teach breast health classes in your local communities. Use our educational assets to reach new audiences, rather than trying to develop your own educational programs. Together, we can make a global impact!
Our Corporate Sponsors