WBC at the World Cancer Congress

Left to Right: Dr Amos Mwaka, Makerere University, Uganda; Dr Corrine Ellsworth-Beaumont, Worldwide Breast Cancer, USA; Dr Nur Aishah Mohd Taib, KL, Malaysia; Prof Jennifer Moodley, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Not pictured: Panel chair Jon Emery, University of Melbourne.

This October, Worldwide Breast Cancer held a joint panel session with Cambridge University talking about Promoting symptom appraisal and presentation in primary care at the World Cancer Congress in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Dr. Corrine Ellsworth Beaumont along with Dr. Nur Aishah Mohd Taib, talked about the success of Know Your Lemons® around the world, sharing the results of studies done in Nigeria and Malaysia. Three abstracts were also presented during the conference, gathering a lot of attention.

“At the conference, many new people came up to us telling us how Know Your Lemons® had helped them educate in their part of the world. It showed that we are making a larger impact than we know. We are adding more tools to help educators and now we need to get the word out to them so more can be done.” Corrine Ellsworth Beaumont

These education tools include:

Know Your Lemons Education kit:

This is for community educators who would like to use the Know Your Lemons resources to teach groups of people but want to go beyond the leaflet or simply showing the website. Either via a projector or a large flipchart with games. It works in any language. Online teacher certification is included.

Know Your Lemons® app

This app is the first of its kind to detail the 12 symptoms of breast cancer and help them understand the steps to take to report a symptom, set a screening plan and the factors that contribute to increased risk. Currently the app is set for American Cancer Society screening recommendations, but it will soon expand to NHS and other countries at it becomes available. But risk factors, self-exam tips and how to prepare for appointments are applicable in a variety of countries.

More Languages on the Website and Shop

Every month we are adding more languages to the knowyourlemons.com website. Have a look and see if your language is available. Many materials are available for purchase on the shop, including large posters, leaflets, stickers, magnets and more.

Here’s how Aishah describes her experience using the Know Your Lemons tools:



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