Worldwide Breast Cancer’s New CEO Announced


Effective December 1, 2018, founder Dr. Corrine Ellsworth Beaumont will become the new CEO of Worldwide Breast Cancer (WBC). Katherine Crawford-Gray will be leaving the CEO role for the next chapter of her career. She will continue to support WBC in an advisory role on Australian projects.

Corrine has become one of the leading breast health communication design experts in the world; speaking at the World Cancer Congress, interviewed on BBC, ITV and other news outlets featuring her doctoral design work. She is the inventor of the Know Your Lemons® campaign and the designer behind WBC’s education tools including the Know Your Lemons® app, the Know Your Lemons® educational toolkit and the Dandelion Project. A former professor in Entrepreneurship in London and her creative design-led approach to healthcare makes her a strong, innovative leader for the organization, which she founded as a 501c3 in 2014.

“It’s an honor to be named CEO as WBC continues to grow and expand around the world. Our ability to communicate globally is unique in this field. Our mission and approach to breast cancer education is desperately needed as the incidence of this disease continues to increase. We are building partnerships with local NGOs and multinational organizations to impact the lives of women. As we work to reduce terminal diagnoses to early stage diagnoses, we will see the picture of breast cancer change for families and communities with the loss of fewer women, and men, to this disease.” 

For the outgoing CEO, Katherine has been pivotal to WBC’s growth as an innovative and global organization educating millions of people. She has brought key members of the breast cancer community together to support the education of people from Malaysia to Nigeria. She managed the development of the Know Your Lemons® app, and Know Your Lemons® Educational Toolkit for promoting early detection in low literacy, low technology settings. The Dandelion Project research study to help metastatic breast cancer patients has expanded to multiple countries and is developing a companion education app. She has raised significant funds to launch these initiatives.

Katherine said, “My time at WBC has been a highlight of my career. I am excited for the company's future and I trust my efforts gave a necessary kickstart and laid a solid foundation for the coming years. Corrine is well positioned to take the organization to its next phase."

Of Katherine’s departure, Corrine said, “Katherine’s knowledge of the breast cancer field and her passion for the work has been critical to WBC’s success. With her expertise and insight we have been able to build some truly exciting educational tools and programs that are making a real impact around the world. We look forward to her helping us expand our efforts in the Asia-Pacific region."


WBC at the World Cancer Congress


Teaching breast health in any community with Know Your Lemons®