How Lemons Saved Jane's Life

Thank you for your work and for my life. Without the Know Your Lemons campaign I WOULD not be here. This is my story:

I found a lump in my breast in early Jan in 2017 and when I went to the doctor she told me it was because of my age and hardening of my breast tissue. But just before the second appointment I happened to see your campaign about ‘know your lemons’ in the news and I had one of the signs. That image of the 12 lemons gave me the courage and confidence to push back when the Dr told me for a 2nd time that my lump was nothing to worry about—I was 46 at the time. When I finally got tested they found a 4cm tumour. I went on very swiftly to treatment because it had spread.

I have just completed 2 years of treatments and I would be dead by now if it were not for your campaign. So THANK YOU for giving me life with your lemons!


Calling All Aussies!


New Worldwide Breast Cancer Advisor Dr. Ebele Mbanugo: Running for a Cure in Africa