Calling All Aussies!

Casey Jay Andrews created, directed, and performed a riveting portrayal of the impact that breast cancer has on the lives of women: The Archive of Educated Hearts. In typical "Lemonista" style, Casey has partnered with the team at Worldwide Breast Cancer to "raise awareness of everything there is to know about breast self-examination; we want to empower people with the information they need to help catch breast cancer early."

Alongside the show, Casey created a #KnowYourLemons booth in collaboration with us. It's a step-by-step guide to breast self examination with a custom created voice-over from the Worldwide Breast Cancer app. Casey also held a lemon themed cocktail party where attendees were given customized Know Your Lemons self exam cards. We continue to be astounded at the creativity and the impact our Lemonistas have in the breast cancer community, on us, and ultimately, the globe. Thank you for your hard work, Casey! 


Do You Know What You Are Feeling For?


How Lemons Saved Jane's Life