"The Birds Papaya" Small Effort Makes a Big Impact for Know Your Lemons
"Know Your Lemons" temporarily changes name to "Know Your Papayas" for April Fools Day.
On March 5th, Sarah Nicole Landry had an open conversation about breast health on her Instagram stories with her followers. She shared how she had found a lump in her breast and was going to the screening clinic to get it checked out the next day. Thankfully her scans came back clear and the lump was confirmed as a cyst.
Little did she know that this short journey that she took in taking care of her health would have a big impact on those around her. As she was waiting for her results she started researching different breast cancer charities and groups and "bam!" came across Know Your Lemons. She gave us a follow and re-shared our 12 signs image to her stories.
Within a matter of 3 days the post got re-shared 1,000 times, reached 170k women and men and our instagram account gained 5k followers!
We had many conversations with women who were hesitant to go to the doctor about a concern they had, but because Sarah shared her experience and our post, they took action in making an appointment with their doctor.
Our goal at Know Your Lemons is for every person to feel empowered with breast health knowledge and basics. We believe that self-exams are not a hunt for breast cancer but a way for us to know what is normal and to feel strengthened with the knowledge of what to do if something out of the ordinary is found. Education is key when it comes to early detection. When found early breast cancer has a 99% survival rate. That is why these breast health conversations are so crucial.
Our award-winning self-exam app has been helping women know their normal for years. With its personalized features, you can know when the right time is to self-exam and when to set up your breast health appointments. It also teaches you how to self-exam with your very own audio guide Mona Lisa! This app makes learning about breast health basics fun and easy!
We are so grateful for people like Sarah Nicole and all those after her who shared our post on the 12 signs of breast cancer. It doesn't have to be a monumental effort to change someone’s life. A simple share can lead to someone realizing they had a symptom they didn't know they were living with, get it checked out early and save their life. That is what happened with 24-year-old Lyndsey from the UK, who found out she had breast cancer at an early stage because her boyfriend showed her a picture of our 12 signs image on Instagram. You can hear more about her story below.
If you have a story that you would like to share we would love to hear it! We know that sharing stories is what helps inspire people to take action when it comes to their breast health. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing how we can change the face of breast cancer one conversation at a time.