Educators of the Month - Uzima Association (Burundi, Africa)
This month we are featuring the doctors of the Uzima Association, our charity partner in Burundi Africa, who have been educating women about breast health with the help of Know Your Lemons.
Educator of the month: Raquel Rodrigues Peres
found it amazing how the graphics could clearly explain the symptoms of cancer in a playful and at the same time assertive way, which is perfect for the Brazilian public. This is when I decided to become a volunteer educator!
Educator of the month: Aeisha Taylor
The KYL campaign does not use hard to understand medical jargon and is inclusive of all learning styles. Using a lemon makes it appealing to patients and educators alike.
Educator of the Month: Cynthia Johnson
"After my lumpectomy, Know Your Lemons helped me learn my 'new normal'. It’s a big reason why I’m now an educator with them!"
Sharon's Story
“I didn’t know that a nipple change could be a sign of breast cancer. The day I saw #KNOWYOURLEMONS, my life-changing journey started."
April Educator of the Month
“Between the incredible Know Your Lemons graphics and the app, it's hard NOT to know what you should be doing and feeling for every month.”
Surprising Results From Our Dutch Survey With Breast Cancer Patients
In 2019 the Know Your Lemons Foundation (KYL) partnered with B-Force of Borstkankervereniging Nederland, a breast cancer patient association based in the Netherlands, to conduct a study among 1,407 breast cancer patients.
March Educator of the Month: Suzi Oag
“I am not a doctor, a teacher or even a very confident public speaker, but I now know that to play a role in the fight against cancer you don't have to be. As an Educator you don't need to give a formal lecture, you just need to get a conversation started and be approachable.”