What to do about Breast Changes and Symptoms during Coronavirus
Most facilities are still open to investigate breast symptoms. Don’t let the virus hold you back from reporting symptoms or doing self-exam. Early detection is as important as ever, our app can help.
Have You Seen Our New Impact Map?
We just launched our Global Impact Map last month showing where women have been educated with #knowyourlemons around the world.
Can’t get in to get your regular mammogram? Self exam while you wait.
COVID-19 and social distancing implementations mean a majority of screening and imaging centers have postponed mammograms for people who have NO SYMPTOMS.
Dawn Wilson Goes Above & Beyond - AGAIN
Dawn Wilson has been Know Your Lemons most seasoned educator and tireless advocate for years - 2019/2020 is no different.
Know Your Lemons Global Educator Course Launches
On World Cancer Day, the Know Your Lemons Foundation announced the launch of the Know Your Lemons global educator course.
Welcoming Aysha Strawn, Our New Community Manager!
Aysha comes to us with a Bachelors of Science in Public Health and several years of marketing experience. She is a warm and friendly personality which makes her perfect for the role of “Community Manager.”
Worldwide Breast Cancer becomes Know Your Lemons Foundation
Worldwide Breast Cancer’s brand is now updated to the Know Your Lemons Foundation brand. The charity and mission are the same, now under a new name that promotes the work in a clearer way.
Amanda's Story
This is the story of my breast cancer journey and how Know Your Lemons helped me to discover something was wrong.